5 Tips On Choosing Life Insurance For Beginners

Do not Be Confused, If Only First Buy Life Insurance and Health

Are you the first time to buy life and health insurance? You feel really strange, want to buy life insurance and health insurance, why not be given a look investment. Actually what should I do if I first buy life insurance and health?

Do not be confused first, we will clarify what needs to be done.

1. Know Your Needs and Find New Products
The first thing you need to do is figure out your protection needs. Learn first what kind of life protection and health protection you need. You can discuss with your spouse, friends, financial planner and insurance agent. Example:

  • If you are a newly married couple and 2 more years planning to have children, then you should consider insurance for birth.
  • If you currently have dependents, your child and wife need and are required to have life insurance.

Ow yes, for friends who first bought life and health insurance, may still be confused yes what is the difference between life insurance and health insurance. Basically health insurance products and life insurance are different.

  • Health insurance is an insurance product that provides financial security benefits to the policyholder, if the person has health problems (illness or accident). So you can file a claim if ill and hospitalized.
  • Life insurance insurance that aims to bear people against unexpected financial losses caused by the death of a person. So that is borne out is the potential financial loss, due to the death of a person.

Everyone ideally has health insurance and good news you can buy health insurance at an affordable price. You can use BPJS Health insurance program. If health insurance is mandatory, what about life insurance? Does everyone need life insurance? The answer is not always, especially if you do not have family dependents.

2. Calculate Your Needs
Once you know your needs, it is time to calculate how much protection you need. Especially for life insurance money, We meet many people who already have life insurance, but the amount of insured money is less (under insured) or even over (over insured). You need to know, if you buy life insurance and it turns out the amount of money berkangggungannya less than required, then your life insurance is less than optimal.

What about health insurance? Some unitlink insurance companies are a combination of health insurance + life insurance + investment. Relax do not panic first, because we will discuss more about unitlink on point 3 and our explanation may not necessarily be submitted by your insurance agent.

3. Recognize Health Insurance Products and Life Insurance
Once you know your needs and know how much is needed, then it's time you find out which product suits your needs. Start looking for information on insurance products. You can search for information through:

  • Internet - Website comparison of insurance products
  • Ask Google
  • See the website of life and health insurance companies
  • Come to the insurance office
  • Contact a friend who works for an insurance company

You need to know the map of health insurance products and life insurance. Remember once again the health insurance and life insurance are different. Usually health insurance is offered by comparison of hospital room class or limit system. You can ask the insurance agent and consider the profit and loss of each product.

What about the map of life insurance products? Life insurance products are divided into two types, namely traditional insurance and unitlink insurance. Traditional insurance itself is divided into three types of term life insurance (term life), life insurance for life (whole life) and endowment insurance (endowment).

What about unitlink? Initial question: Do you think unitlink includes protection or investment? The correct answer: unitlink is a product of protection. Maybe you've seen on the internet, writing financial planner who said "record, I will never buy unitlink." How Finansialku see unitlink products?

Okay we will explain the important thing that your insurance agent may not explain. We agree that life and health insurance are important. Before there was unitlink insurance, people were offered traditional life insurance. One of the most ngetren is term life insurance (term life). Like what is term life insurance?

Term life insurance is like you buy car insurance. Every year you have to pay a premium of Rupiah. If something happens with a car and you file a claim, the insurance company will pay it. If you use a mobl well and no claims, then the insurance company will not pay any money to you.

Life insurance term life same, the customer must pay a premium so many Rupiah. If the customer is prosperous, long life then you can not claim. Long story short the insurance company will not pay any sum insured. Some people think if we have purchased life term life insurance and given health, long life, abundant fortune it is a loss.

Should not lose donk, the time dikasi thanks to health, longevity and abundant fortune still not grateful. Apparently the people who think the loss amounts to a lot. Then the insurance people think, how ya do I let life insurance premiums be free? Example if the annual premium reaches Rp 3,000,000, how can I do it for free? One of the ideas is with the investment and the money from the investment that is used to pay the premium. That's the story of unitlink birth.

4. Do not Forget Comparing and Adjust to Budget
Congratulations now you already know what you need, how much you need and what products are on the market. Time to buy and choose. Never be lazy to compare insurance products to one another. Customize also the product of your choice with the budget you have.

5. Review Your Protection Plan Periodically
The mistake made by more than 50% of insurance customers is to buy and close your eyes. They do not check again, whether the insurance owned still can meet the needs or not. Remember you should always review or re-check the insurance you have. Why?

  • Health prices plus hospital rooms always go up. Perhaps the protection of  $ 50 per day is enough for now. But is it still enough for the next 10 years?
  • At the time of marriage, you may count the sum insured for one child. Eh him after 5 years running you have a second child. Of course the sum insured money donk?
  • and others

Do not be lazy to do a review or re-check your health insurance and life insurance that you have.

So You Do not Need To Be Confused Again, If Only The First Time To Buy Life Insurance and Health
We congratulate you, because you include a careful customer candidate in buying financial products. Before purchasing any financial product, make sure you are looking for complete information. Also share this information with your friends and spouses so they will not be confused if they first bought life and health insurance.

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